I'm about to commit social suicide. I hope, after this blog, you all will still be my friends, or at the very least, patronize me by still reading my blogs. I'm going to tackle one of the most controversial subjects outside of politics. There isn't another subject that gets people's blood pumping (for good or for bad) as the subject of religion. So, without further adieu, I'm going to come out and say it. Organized religion is full of sh*t. The bible, while teaches good moral standards, is NOT supposed to be taken literally. The New Testament should be banned. The world would be a much better place if religion didn't fuel hatred. And the movie Religulous should be watched by all. There. I said it. But I wasn't always this way.....
I grew up in a very religious home. We attended church every sunday. It didn't matter if one of us kids was dying of chicken pox or there was family in town visiting or there was a meteor shower about to destroy the world, we were at church. I enjoyed church after the age of 8, because a family moved to town who was the same religion as my family, they lived 2 houses up from us, and had a son that I thought was to die for. So up until I was about 16, I didn't mind going to church. But I digress. Maybe if I told you what church I attended up until oh about 4 years ago, you would understand a little better about the social suicide comment. I was raised Mormon. (dramatic music plays, audible gasps of shock can be heard) You still there? or did I lose you with the Mormon comment? If you're still there and reading, let me tell you of just a small number of the expectations set forth by the Mormon religion, and how much of a rift this will create between me and my family who are still stalwart in the faith, and some of my dear friends who, unfortunately after reading this, will probably never speak to me again.
If you are raised Mormon, there are certain things you must NEVER do. 1-You mustn't ever doubt anything. EVER. 2-you mustn't consume alcoholic beverages. 3-you mustn't take drugs. 4-you may question things, but if the answer is "have faith" or "pray about it" or "some things Heavenly Father doesn't need to explain, you just should believe" or "we don't have the answers to everything. If we did, we would know all of Heavenly Father's mysteries now wouldn't we" or "because it's just so", you take that answer and not ask again, because to ask again would mean you didn't apply the first answer(s), therefore doubting your faith. 4-you mustn't engage in any activity that will be a detriment to your spirit. 5-No dating before 16. PERIOD. after 16, group dating. NO PAIRING OFF, because that can lead to kissing, which is almost forbidden until you are pronounced husband and wife. SERIOUSLY. 6-No coffee or tea. 7-if no coffee or tea, then you mustn't drink any drink with caffeine, because caffeine is a drug, and drugs are bad mmmmkay? there's a million more reasons, but my brain just shut off there...need more caffeine :)
Mormon girls are expected to become wives and mothers. That's it. To have any other ambition is not abiding by the laws set forth by God. So that means, from the time you're about 3 until you're about 95, that's what is taught. Now some would say that wasn't true, and there's a lot of Mormon women in the workforce and they still are in good standing with the church, yada yada yada. While that is the case, I remember many a General Conference where the prophet and apostles have said, in essence, "We understand the need for 2 incomes in a family, that in these times it is very difficult to get by on just 1 income. However, if you can do it, the woman really needs to be in the home, rearing the children in righteousness." This doesn't really sit well with most women. I get to stay home, for now, because I have a little one still at home. It would be counter-productive for me to have a job, because most of what i would make would go to daycare and travel expenses. But that's just what works for our family.
This brings me to the gigantic rift that will definitely happen after this blog is posted. Before I say what I'm going to say, first let me say that if this changes how you feel about me, and it will make you want to save my soul, please know that 1-I hold no grudges to those who don't want to associate themselves with me after this and 2-my soul is just fine where it is. Ok. Here goes. I gave up on the LDS religion 4 years ago, and as subsequent consequence, religion as a whole. I'm not atheist, I guess you could lump me in with the agnostics. I have my reasons for why I believe what I do, my reasons are for me and me alone. And while I have many friends and family who are still strong in the Mormon faith, and I have fond memories and feelings for these people, I just don't share the same beliefs as they do. I guess I'm coming out of the closet, so to speak. I just committed social suicide. I have much much MUCH more to say on the subject of religion, but I realize you have stuff you need to do instead of being glued to the computer screen, reading my ramblings. And this one is definitely under the category of rambling. To be continued........
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