So I was married to a guy for about 8 years who we will refer to as "Bob". Now Bob and I had a good relationship in my mind, we had 3 kids together, had a house (with a jacuzzi in the backyard, be jealous) and a beautiful golden retriever. We were living the American dream. Then one day, when i was about 7 months pregnant with our 3rd baby, Bob decided he was bored with the dream, and looked outside the marriage to satisfy his urges as it were. And to be fair, he always liked to look at porn online and even bought some and brought them home. I knew shortly after our first was born that I just didn't "do it" for him anymore. But I was too naive to believe we were headed for disaster.
But that's exactly what we were headed for. I found out he was cheating as many have in this day and age. He had sent e-cards and love notes to this woman from our home computer. Apparently he was seeing her for quite some time behind my back, he also worked with her. When I found out, I was desperate for answers. More importantly, I had NO IDEA what I was going to do, because I was so far in my pregnancy, and had 2 little ones at home. Long story short, I left him 3 months after the youngest was born, and went back to New Mexico. Even longer story short, he pulled some really bastardly moves, and now owes me over 16 thousand in back child support. I could go on and on, but Bob may not like what I say...that and there's not enough gigabytes to hold all I have to say in this blog lol....
And that brings us to now. I haven't received any child support from him for the month of June, and I'm missing half a payment for May. Not to mention Bob decided not to pay me a thing in April, rather paid me on May 1st for April. He doesn't understand how child support works. I'm not going to tell him, I'm going to let the child support enforcement do that.
He has his scheduled time with the girls this July. We agreed, since he has spent 3 days of the past 4 years with the girls, that I would be there to be a comfort to the girls if needs be. I wouldn't be interfering with the visit at all. However, we may be stuck at the airport for an entire week. We're trying to save enough money for a rental car and hotels, but it's kind of put us in a bind. We'll figure something out.
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