Monday, June 13, 2011

first blog....

I warned my friends on Facebook I was going to do this, and I finally caved. So here I am, it's 9:30 pm EST almost, I'm enjoying some Pandora's 80's station and eating some frosting because there was no more chocolate left in the house. We need to go grocery shopping lol. So about me and this blog....I guess this blog thing will go day by day. I'm from a small town in New Mexico, and it's matter how far away I get from home, the more I yearn to go back. I'm living in Indiana right now, and I gotta say, I DEFINITELY prefer the weather back home. And the bugs. I've seen spiders the size of smart cars in our bathroom (which is a swamp, that reminds me I need to clean it). I'm on my second marriage and God willing this one will last longer than my last one, because I would be utterly devastated if my new husband ever wanted a divorce. I'll talk about him later. I have 3 girls, and one stepson. I love being a wife and mother, it is the most thankless job anyone in the world can have, pays for sh*t, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love it. LOVE it. I've got an uncanny way of making friends and bridging gaps, or so I've been told. I've got friends all around the world. Likewise I have made enemies as well. I can't make everyone happy. I have strong opinions, and luckily for the rest of you, I can't keep my big mouth shut. I guess that's pretty much it...for now.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you can't keep your big mouth shut! I'm totally living vicariously through you!! :-) I love ya girl and sooooo glad we are friends!
